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Quantum Physics
A single broadband squeezed field constitutes a quantum communication
resource that is sufficient for the realization of a large number N of quantum
channels based on distributed Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen (EPR) entangled states.
Each channel can serve as a resource for, e.g. independent quantum key
distribution or teleportation protocols. N-fold channel multiplexing can be
realized by accessing 2N squeezed modes at different Fourier frequencies. We
report on the experimental implementation of the N=1 case through the
interference of two squeezed states, extracted from a single broadband squeezed
field, and demonstrate all techniques required for multiplexing (N>1). Quantum
channel frequency multiplexing can be used to optimize the exploitation of a
broadband squeezed field in a quantum information task. For instance, it is
useful if the bandwidth of the squeezed field is larger than the bandwidth of
the homodyne detectors. This is currently a typical situation in many
experiments with squeezed and two-mode squeezed entangled light.