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Lagrangian mixing dynamics at the cloudy-clear air interface


Kumar,  Bipin
Climate Modelling, The Atmosphere in the Earth System, MPI for Meteorology, Max Planck Society;

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Kumar, B., Schumacher, J., & Shaw, R. A. (2014). Lagrangian mixing dynamics at the cloudy-clear air interface. Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences, 71, 2564-2580. doi:10.1175/JAS-D-13-0294.1.

The entrainment of clear air and its subsequent mixing with a filament of cloudy air, as occurs at the edge of a cloud, is studied in three-dimensional direct numerical simulations that combine the Eulerian description of the turbulent velocity, temperature, and vapor fields with a Lagrangian cloud droplet ensemble. Forced and decaying turbulence is considered, such as when the dynamics around the filament is driven by larger-scale eddies or during the final period of the life cycle of a cloud. The microphysical response depicted in nd - <r3> space (where nd and r are droplet number density and radius, respectively) shows characteristics of both homogeneous and inhomogeneous mixing, depending on the Damköhler number. The transition from inhomogeneous to homogeneous mixing leads to an offset of the homogeneousmixing curve to larger dilution fractions. The response of the system is governed by the smaller of the single droplet evaporation time scale and the bulk phase relaxation time scale. Variability within the nd - <r3> space increases with decreasing sample volume, especially during the mixing transients. All of these factors have implications for the interpretation of measurements in clouds. The qualitative mixing behavior changes for forced versus decaying turbulence, with the latter yielding remnant patches of unmixed cloud and stronger fluctuations. Buoyancy due to droplet evaporation is observed to play a minor role in the mixing for the present configuration. Finally, themixing process leads to the transient formation of a pronounced nearly exponential tail of the probability density function of the Lagrangian supersaturation, and a similar tail emerges in the droplet size distribution under inhomogeneous conditions. © 2014 American Meteorological Society.