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A Phenomenological Analysis of the ΔEFT: Type-2 Seesaw Effective Field Theory


Ponce Díaz,  Xavier
Division Prof. Dr. Manfred Lindner, MPI for Nuclear Physics, Max Planck Society;

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Ponce Díaz, X. (2021). A Phenomenological Analysis of the ΔEFT: Type-2 Seesaw Effective Field Theory. Master Thesis, Ruprecht-Karls-Universität, Heidelberg.

In this thesis a phenomenological analysis of the type-2 seesaw mechanism effective
field theory expansion is performed. A complete non-redundant basis is obtained and
compared to the Warsaw basis. Then, three different approaches are used to study and
constrain the different operators of the effective field theory.
Firstly, the model is studied assuming much lower energies than the scale of the
type-2 seesaw mass by looking at its contribution to the Wilson coefficients of the
Warsaw basis. This analysis is extended to include dimension-5 operators of the
type-2 effective field theory. The second approach consists in probing the contribution
of these operators to standard model couplings. We also study the possibility of
constraining these operators along with the Warsaw basis. The last approach consists
of studying the impact of some operators to LHC searches for new particles. Some
new interesting interactions of this model are pointed out, and an analysis is carried
out by using CMS data.
Finally, a brief overlook into possible ultraviolet completions of this model is discussed
at the end of this thesis.