Researcher Portfolio
Del Moro, Agnese
High Energy Astrophysics, MPI for Extraterrestrial Physics, Max Planck Society
Researcher Profile
Position: High Energy Astrophysics, MPI for Extraterrestrial Physics, Max Planck Society
Researcher ID:
: Kaya, P., Gregori, G., Baiutti, F., Yordanov, P., Suyolcu, Y. E., Cristiani, G., Wrobel, F., Benckiser, E., Keimer, B., van Aken, P. A., Habermeier, H.-U., Logvenov, G., & Maier, J. (2018). High-Temperature Thermoelectricity in LaNiO3–La2CuO4 Heterostructures. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 10(26), 22786-22792. [PubMan] : Yordanov, P., Wochner, P., Ibrahimkutty, S., Dietl, C., Wrobel, F., Felici, R., Gregori, G., Maier, J., Keimer, B., & Habermeier, H.-U. (2017). Perovskite substrates boost the thermopower of cobaltate thin films at high temperatures. Applied Physics Letters, 110(25): 253101. [PubMan] : Kaya, P., Gregori, G., Yordanov, P., Ayas, E., Habermeier, H.-U., Maier, J., & Turan, S. (2017). An alternative composite approach to tailor the thermoelectric performance in SiAlON and SiC. Journal of the European Ceramic Society, 37(10), 3367-3373. [PubMan] : Nuss, J., Wedig, U., Xie, W., Yordanov, P., Bruin, J., Hübner, R., Weidenkaff, A., & Takagi, H. (2017). Phosphide-Tetrahedrite Ag6Ge10P12: Thermoelectric Performance of a Long-Forgotten Silver-Cluster Compound. Chemistry of Materials, 29(16), 6956-6965. [PubMan] : Yordanov, P., Boris, A. V., Freeland, J. W., Kavich, J. J., Chakhalian, J., Lee, H. N., & Keimer, B. (2011). Far-infrared and dc magnetotransport of CaMnO3-CaRuO3 superlattices. Physical Review B, 84(4): 045108. [PubMan] : Freeland, J. W., Chakhalian, J., Boris, A. V., Tonnerre, J. M., Kavich, J. J., Yordanov, P., Grenier, S., Zschack, P., Karapetrova, E., Popovich, P., Lee, H. N., & Keimer, B. (2010). Charge transport and magnetization profile at the interface between the correlated metal CaRuO3 and the antiferromagnetic insulator CaMnO3. Physical Review B, 81(9): 094414. [PubMan] : Kovaleva, N. N., Boris, A. V., Capogna, L., Gavartin, J. L., Popovich, P., Yordanov, P., Maljuk, A., Stoneham, A. M., & Keimer, B. (2009). Dipole-active optical phonons in YTiO3: Ellipsometry study and lattice-dynamics calculations. Physical Review B, 79(4): 045114. [PubMan] : Knafo, W., Meingast, C., Boris, A. V., Popovich, P., Kovaleva, N. N., Yordanov, P., Maljuk, A., Kremer, R. K., v. Löhneysen, H., & Keimer, B. (2009). Ferromagnetism and lattice distortions in the perovskite YTiO3. Physical Review B, 79(5): 054431. [PubMan] : Yu, L., Munzar, D., Boris, A. V., Yordanov, P., Chaloupka, J., Wolf, T., Lin, C. T., Keimer, B., & Bernhard, C. (2008). Evidence for Two Separate Energy Gaps in Underdoped High-Temperature Cuprate Superconductors from Broadband Infrared Ellipsometry. Physical Review Letters, 100(17): 177004. [PubMan] : Kovaleva, N. N., Boris, A. V., Yordanov, P., Maljuk, A., Brücher, E., Strempfer, J., Konuma, M., Zegkinoglou, I., Bernhard, C., Stoneham, A. M., & Keimer, B. (2007). Optical response of ferromagnetic YTiO3 studied by spectral ellipsometry. Physical Review B, 76(15): 155125. [PubMan]