Researcher Portfolio


Manin, Jurij I.‏

Max Planck Institute for Mathematics, Max Planck Society  


Researcher Profile

Position: Max Planck Institute for Mathematics, Max Planck Society
Researcher ID:

External references



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 : Manin, Y., & Marcolli, M. (2024). Homotopy theoretic and categorical models of neural information networks. Compositionality, 6: 4. doi:10.46298/compositionality-6-4. [PubMan] : Manin, Y. I. (2023). Rational points of algebraic varieties: a homotopical approach. Izvestiya Mathematics, 87(3), 586-594. doi:10.4213/im9315e. [PubMan] : Manin, Y. I., & Marcolli, M. (2023). Cohn-Elkies functions from Gabor frames. Complex Analysis and Operator Theory, 17(6): 93. doi:10.1007/s11785-023-01398-w. [PubMan] : Combe, N. C., Manin, Y. I., & Marcolli, M. (2023). Birational maps and Nori motives. In A. Papadopoulos (Ed.), Essays in geometry: dedicated to Norbert A’Campo (pp. 761-780). Berlin: EMS Press. [PubMan] : Combe, N., Manin, Y. I., & Marcolli, M. (2023). Moufang patterns and geometry of information. Pure and Applied Mathematics Quarterly, 19(1), 149-189. doi:10.4310/PAMQ.2023.v19.n1.a7. [PubMan] : Combe, N. C., Manin, Y. I., & Marcolli, M. (2023). Modular Nori motives. P-Adic Numbers, Ultrametric Analysis, and Applications, 15(3), 187-194. doi:10.1134/S2070046623030020. [PubMan] : Bruzzo, U., Ruiperez, D. H., & Manin, J. I. (submitted). Supercycles, stable supermaps and SUSY Nori motives. [PubMan] : Lieber, J. F., Manin, Y. I., & Marcolli, M. (2022). Bost-Connes systems and F1-structures in Grothendieck rings, spectra, and Nori motives. In P. Aluffi, D. Anderson, M. Hering, M. Mustaţă, & S. Payne (Eds.), Facets of algebraic geometry: a collection in honor of William Fulton's 80th birthday (pp. 147-227). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. [PubMan] : Combe, N., Manin, Y. I., & Marcolli, M. (2022). Geometry of Information: classical and quantum aspects. Theoretical Computer Science, 908, 2-27. doi:10.1016/j.tcs.2021.10.020. [PubMan] : Combe, N., & Manin, Y. I. (2022). Genus zero modular operad and absolute Galois group. North-Western European Journal of Mathematics, 8, 25-60. [PubMan] : Keßler, E., Manin, Y. I., & Wu, Y. (in press). Moduli spaces of SUSY curves and their operads. Algebraic Geometry and Physics, Accepted for publication. [PubMan] : Combe, N., Manin, Y. I., & Marcolli, M. (2022). Quantum operads. In M.-L. Ge, & Y.-H. He (Eds.), Dialogues between physics and mathematics: C. N. Yang at 100 (pp. 113-145). Cham: Springer. [PubMan] : Combe, N. C., & Manin, Y. I. (2021). Symmetries of genus zero modular operad. In S. Novikov, I. Krichever, O. Ogievetsky, & S. Shlosman (Eds.), Integrability, quantization, and geometry: dedicatedto the memory of Boris Dubrovin, 1950-2019. Vol. II (pp. 101-109). Providence: American Mathematical Society. [PubMan] : Combe, N. C., Manin, Y. I., & Marcolli, M. (2021). Dessins for modular operad and Grothendieck-Teichmuller Group. In A. Papadopoulos (Ed.), Topology and geometry: a collection of essays dedicated to Vladimir G. Turaev (pp. 537-560). Berlin: EMS Press. [PubMan] : Manin, Y. I., & Marcolli, M. (2020). Nori diagrams and persistent homology. Mathematics in Computer Science, 14(1), 77-102. doi:10.1007/s11786-019-00422-7. [PubMan] : Manin, Y. I., & Marcolli, M. (2020). Homotopy types and geometries below Spec Z. In P. Moree, A. Pohl, L. Snoha, & T. Ward (Eds.), Dynamics: topology and numbers (pp. 27-56). Providence: American Mathematical Society. [PubMan] : Combe, N., & Manin, Y. I. (2020). F-manifolds and geometry of information. Bulletin of the London Mathematical Society, 52(5), 777-792. doi:10.1112/blms.12411. [PubMan] : Manin, Y. I., & Marcolli, M. (2020). Quantum statistical mechanics of the absolute Galois group. Symmetry, Integrability and Geometry: Methods and Applications, 16: 038. doi:10.3842/SIGMA.2020.038. [PubMan] : Manin, Y. I. (2020). Mirrors, functoriality, and derived geometry. In L. Ji, B. Wu, & S.-T. Yau (Eds.), Handbook for mirror symmetry of Calabi-Yau & Fano manifolds (pp. 229-251). Somerville; Beijing: International Press; Higher Education Press. [PubMan] : Manin, Y. I., & Vallette, B. (2020). Monoidal structures on the categories of quadratic data. Documenta Mathematica, 25, 1727-1786. doi:10.25537/dm.2020v25.1727-1786. [PubMan] : Manin, Y. I., & Marcolli, M. (2019). Asymptotic bounds for spherical codes. Izvestiya Mathematics, 83(3), 540-564. doi:10.1070/IM8739. [PubMan] : Manin, Y. I. (2019). Time and periodicity from Ptolemy to Schrödinger: paradigm shifts vs continuity in history of mathematics. In S. Dani, & A. Papadopoulos (Eds.), Geometry in history (pp. 129-138). Cham: Springer. [PubMan] : Manin, Y. I. (2019). Higher structures, quantum groups, and genus zero modular operad. Journal of the London Mathematical Society, 100(3), 721-730. doi:10.1112/jlms.12217. [PubMan] : Manin, Y. I. (2018). Quantum groups and noncommutative geometry. Cham: Springer. [PubMan] : Manin, Y. I. (2018). Error-correcting codes and neural networks. Selecta Mathematica, 24(1), 521-530. doi:10.1007/s00029-016-0284-4. [PubMan]